Locinox develops and manufactures fittings for fencing and gates. Our vision is for every high-quality fence to have a gate with at least one Locinox component fitted in it.
Our expertise is with hardware for outdoors. That niche market may not be big, but we would like to be the very best at it internationally.
At the moment we are assuming a leading role and we want to keep that role and even further expand it. That is why we keep investing in this market.
3 year waranty
Every LOCINOX solution is carefully thought out, resulting in products of the highest quality. Customers will never be disappointed with LOCINOX products!
LOCINOX employees pay great attention to product development and strive to be a leading company in the field of door and gate accessories.
LOCINOX products are distinguished by their ease of installation and quality. Convenient and clear installation instructions and manuals. Efforts are made to create installation videos and demonstrations on how to install LOCINOX products. Our team is always here to help!
LOCINOX solutions and real life examples